Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day off?

Well, here it is... the day I was looking forward to all week. What a let down. It's been such a long and frustrating week. Starting school as been an exciting, stressful, and disorderly adventure. The first day I woke up with pink eye. On my way to my parents' house to get medicine, my tire blew. It was wonderful to have a husband take care of it while I sat in the car. Once we finally got the doughnut on and medicine for my eye, I called in sick to work. They were understanding, which certainly helped. The rest of the day, I napped. It sounds lovely, but it wasn't. My eye hurt all day, it made it difficult to lay comfortably and stop the pounding headache it caused. Tuesday was a bit better, I was able to attend class and work while wearing my glasses. Wednesday I wore my contacts and my eyes felt much better. Still, the day nearly killed me. Three classes in a row, then a full day at work was so overwhelming. I didn't have time to eat until nearly 6:30 that night. The whole day put me very much on edge. Stressed. Panicked. Why did I ever decide to go back to school and work, both full time?? I'm not sure. Thursday was less stressful, but I could hardly function due to the overwhelming pressure of Wednesday. It made me so tired. Friday was a bit better yet. Not as stressful, but still busy. At least I could function with hope of the weekend. But unfortunately it didn't deliver as I was hoping. Jason and I had planned to spend the day together at Lagoon. Time for fun and enjoyment, relaxation. We discussed it this morning and decided this week would not be the best to do that. We talked about replacing it with going to a movie instead. I've been dying to see "Time Travelers Wife", but Jason wouldn't hear of it. He ONLY wanted to see "Star Trek". Nothing else. So... that's what we did. It wasn't a bad movie, but I was in such a bad mood by the time we went to see it, it was hardly enjoyable. The junk food I thought would help me feel better just ended up making me sick. Everything just felt more and more frustrating as the day went on. So here we are, the end of my one day off... watching more Star Trek and waiting for the laundry to finish. At least Jason got what he wanted, I guess. But now I'm just dreading another overwhelmingly stressful week, without the recharge I was hoping to have in my favor. My school books have not all arrived in the mail, which even limits me in homework ability. Another stress on the pile. Falling behind would be a lovely start on my degree, wouldn't it? Agghhh!!


  1. oh honey I am sorry you have had such a hard week!

  2. I'm sorry it has been so stressful. Personally, I think you should give Jason a kick in the pants for not letting you pick the movie, after all, you are the one going full time to school AND full time work. He needs to treat you like the princess you are, girl!! You're his wife, for cryin' out loud. Keep your chin up. It will get better soon. Tomorrow is always a new day! :-D

