Monday, April 20, 2009

Just another Manic Monday

It was a fun weekend, date with Spencer and everything. Saturday was a nice day. We took Bandit for a nice long walk at the Nature Park and talked. We discussed getting our budget in line for the wedding and our future. We're on our way!! It seems like everyone is getting married! I can't wait to join the crowd! :) Sunday Jason and I just relaxed. We're reading New Moon to each other. It's so fun to hear his relaxing voice. Very good weekend in preparation for a very long week!! I work long days through Wednesday. But Thursday is only a three hour day, and I'm off Friday and Saturday for the Mills' family reunion. Busy, busy!! We're trying to decide what to do with Bandit. We could leave him home in his kenal, or we can bring him. It's just so sandy and dirty down there!! He has a class that night... I don't really want to take him all messy! But I don't want him to just be home alone either... What to do, what to do.


  1. you should come play at my house on thursday, it is my day off :)

  2. I should go to the Nature Park more often...

