Thursday, March 12, 2009

Date Night

What an interesting day! I went in early to work, so I could get off in time to go to Disney on Ice with Jason. It was pretty good day with the members. Jason had a fun day playing daycare for Bandit. I hate leaving him locked up in his kennel when I work so much. My sister gave me an idea to have Jason watch him a few days a week, so we thought we'd try it. It seemed to go well. They both had fun. After my lunch break at work, our system went down. It's such a pain to hand-write receipts and everything. Then when I was going to balance out for the day, I found I couldn't! With the system down, the computer didn't have the information to verify my totals. So, I waited. And waited. I called Jason to tell him I was going to be late, and waited some more. Finally I was able to get everything done and clock out an hour after I was planning. Jason and I ran out the door, hot pockets in hand for dinner. We barely made it in time for the show. It was a really fun performance with lots of effects and talent. They did four shows in one- Lion King, Little Mermaid, Lilo and Stitch, and Peter Pan. They even had the skaters fly! Tink had fireworks in her wand, too! It was amazing! Jason thought I was a little silly, cheering and waving like all the little kids, but I still loved it. What a fun date night with my honey!
Our meeting with the stake president went well. He was pleased to hear of our plans to get married July 8. We just need to figure out how to get there and best prepare to go to the temple next year to be sealed. Jason was excited to have the support. Every little bit helps and builds our confidence to accomplish the tasks before us.

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